Sunday, October 30, 2005



Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")



To all my sisters, I would like to take this time to tell you that on behalf of all my Brothers, we have failed in our duties as men. What we really needed were role models, we needed lessons and we needed LOVE. What we gave to you in terms of attitude was the one we saw as children from our Fathers. What we give you in terms of support was what we saw our Fathers give our Mothers it was never enough! Our king of the castle approach was good enough for our mothers, no wait it really was never good enough for you or our mothers. Please excuse our pre-occupation with making it, we learned it from fathers. Please excuse us for not getting to know the kids until they were grown. We were taught by the best. Please excuse our double standards it was passed on to us without our permission. Please excuse our ignorance in raising two families at the same time. You never saw the wrong in it, though we were taught that two wrongs never made it right. Forgive us for changing from run of the mill Joe at work to KING OF THE CASTLE once home. Everyone wants to be KING. If only DAD could have been more we could have been more. Hindsight is always 20/20.

The real reason dad couldn't be better is because his father was not any better. Sisters you have to understand that your Black man is a product of his family history. He is fighting DNA, environmental and historical factors. This mean without proper knowledge of self he will repeat all the mistakes of the past in his treatment of you. If he could control those things he could be the MAN that you want him to be. You are expecting a love he may know nothing about. Is he wrong in his lack of perception about what you are asking of him. You could not understand a foreign language without some lessons or could you? Listen beautiful sisters, every one of you, I applaud your decision to still have us with all of our faults. If we consider the hardships in dealing with society as a despised and rejected people, making a decision to carry our seed is making a statement to the world that maybe just maybe WE are somebody. Yes sisters your acceptance of us is our validation. FOR you sisters looking to validate a brother, let me give some unasked for advise. When you think that you have found the right brother, here's what you do. Check out his family and his relationship with them. If he doesn't show any interest in his family it may be better to rethink your choice. Pay close attention to what this means. Only men suffering from some type of family dysfunction have no interest in their family. This brother will usually exhibit some type of negative behavior that will manifest itself in one way or the other. This is the rule, please don't go looking for the exception.

Sisters, I know you deserve better so give yourself a chance for happiness. It is a testament to who you really are that despite all the things that you go through with us, you can turn out children that have chances to be really special. Your care in not putting their fathers down is remarkable. Your ability to budget next to nothing into a decent way of life is something magical. Your consecutive day's streak is not talked about like millionaire athletes and you do it for free. I love the way you sisters sit back and won't even make a big deal about being the first human BEING the CREATOR put on the planet. You are the MOTHER of them all. It is you that were entrusted with life itself. We as men, as powerful as we think we are can only imagine the whole process of maintaining life in the womb. Your value to this planet has never been properly stated or even understated but still you continue on. Society has wrongfully accused you of being the Eve in the Adam and Eve story.

You were handling our business long before then. Don't even believe that you are responsible for the world's problem. You have always given life and man has always taken it away. You my sisters need to be more demanding of YOUR world. Your guests on this planet have not been respectful of your true power. You gave out the first invitations to join you in the continuation of life itself. Never let us forget that it was you that made this possible. This earth and the people on it need only to look to the original mother to find its way. Be there always and forgive our ignorance. It was passed on to us without our permission. Black Women you have made a believer out of this STRONG brother. I will never question the role of the black women on this planet. You should be celebrated with the dawn of every day. Rise up my sisters and assume your rightful throne.

Thanks for reading THE LETTER TO MY SISTERS. I Hope you were able to find something here to hang on to. It is my hope that all of mankind will see you as I do. If you like to stay in touch Please Email me at
Hotep, Your Brother.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The word `religion` means business, a God for sale.


Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")



“The temple of the most high begins with the human body, which houses our life, essence of our existence. Nubians in America are in bondage today because we approach spirituality through religion provided by our grand father’s and mother’s slave masters. We must stop confusing religion and spirituality. Religion is a set of rules. Regulations and rituals created by humans, which were supposed to help people grow spiritually. Due to human imperfection religion has become corrupt, political, divisive, and a tool for power struggle. Spirituality is not theology or ideology, it is simple a way of life. Pure and original as was given by the most high. Spirituality is a network linking us to the most high The universe...and each other As the essence of our existence It embodies our culture, true identity, nationhood and destiny.


The word `religion` means business, a God for sale. Religion is created by man, as opposed to spirituality, which is found in man and woman." Sawaad Amen Ra

Religious Blindness Religious blindness prevents biblical and Koran scholars, and those that follow them – whether they are of the Judaic, Christian, or Islamic persuasion – from daring to pursue reality. To do this would mean venturing into the unknown, which is something, most people fear. People base their whole lives on religion and its so-called facts. It’s a known fact that the old and New Testament, and the Koran were taken from ancient tablet carvings from the walls in the Cuneiform language of an ancient group of people, called the Shumarian (Sumerians). In a place the bible calls Shinar (Genesis 10:10), who received them from beings that came from beyond the stars.


Now let’s look at Jesus.

Jesus had two mothers, Mary the virgin and conceived him and Mary the wife of Cleophas, who brought him forth as one of her (five) children. Jesus remained with his mother, the Virgin, up to age 12, when he left, `to be about his father’s business." From 12 to 30 there is no record of his life. Jesus at age 30 was made a man in his baptism by John the Baptist. Jesus in his baptism is hailed from heaven as the beloved son and the only begotten of the Father, God, and the Holy Spirit, represented by a DOVE. If we can go back thousands of years before Christ and find the exact same story with a different name, what does that tell you? And what does that say about God and the validity of the Bible? Christians don’t want to deal with that. There is no evidence that the events or people existed in the Bible. Nazareth wasn’t even a town when Christ was born, but this is a place he supposedly frequented all of the time. You can check as one of my references Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization by Anthony T. Browder and Civilization or Barbarism, Chiekh Anta Diop.
Photobucket Photobucket

Dr. John Henrik Clarke. 1915-1998

Dr. Clarke’s Words on SPIRITUALITY
“Spirituality is a way of accepting the fact that there is a spiritual force in the universe larger than all of mankind. But someone had to come along and invent a word called God. Then some had to serve another God and say mine is better than yours, and some had to create faith, someone said I have the true faith.”

“Religion is the organization of spirituality into something that became the hand maiden of conquerors. Nearly all religions were brought to people and imposed on people by conquerors, and used as the framework to control their minds.”

(On the IMAGE of GOD)
“My main point here is that if you are the child of God and God is a part of you, and then in your imagination God suppose to look like you. And when you accept a picture of the deity assigned to you by another people, you become the spiritual prisoners of that other people.”

(The Holy Ghost)
This is my position on organized religion and all that other stuff. But I want to know what people feel about the Holy Ghost or whatever you want to call. I used to sit in church contemplating my life and where I stand in the scheme of it all and I also would observe the so-called "saved" people. Every time the choir stood up and certain songs came on I knew who would get the "spirit" first and who would follow after that It. Always started from the first lady, the deacons wives and down the chain of command. I mean it was crazy every Sunday like clockwork. Now I understand if you’re so overwhelmed with emotion that you just burst out. But I don’t think it should be almost mechanical. I feel as if it’s a show, the holy ghost is all powerful, so it should be able to hit you without a drum beat...and hit you at work, school, or whenever, not just at church before offering time. Also I notice that 90% of the time it’s women, how come men don’t flop around like that? There are classic ways people "get happy" in church, which makes me question the act. The Holy Ghost doesn’t work in a set pattern like that. At least that’s the way the bible tells it.

Most black folks are slaves to SOMEBODY`S interpretation of Jesus’ words, and some folks feel like the Bible says, and therefore, GOD says, that in order to show everyone how Holy Ghost filled they are, they have to act a fool and convulse, cry and dance every Sunday. At another church I visited, the pastor disdained such behavior, and said that the only time people acted like that in the Bible was when Jesus was casting devils out of them. I first went to a Baptist church when I was a youngster. There were no speaking in tongues or shouting allowed in that church. That made me question why someone would stymie the goodness of the creator. Then I started going to a Holiness church and EVERYONE was shouting and speaking in tongues. The Bible says that it only happens to folks who are truly touched by God. I used to look around at folks who were doing the shouting and these were the same women who gossiped about other church members, bad mouthed the direction of the church, talked bad about other people’s kids, and then ten minutes later they fronting singing the glory of the Lord talking about they are saved.

Go To Hell. All right where is it. What And Where Is Hell?

They don’t know where hell is, or if such a place really exists. They can’t even decide what hell is. Which one is it? Is it the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10) or the pit (Revelation 11:7) or is it a place where you will be given oozing pus to drink like the Koran describes (Koran 14:16), or a place where you will be roasted (Koran 17:18), or a prison (Koran 17:8)? Also, how did the pit get there? How did a big place of fire get beneath us? Did God create it down there? Why it is that scientist haven’t discovered it yet being they have dug holes straight down to the center of the Earth? Why is it that you can’t find hell if it really is a place that exists? Scientists have listened to the ground; they have all kinds of advanced technical equipment with computers. Have they heard crackling fires? No! Why? Because hell is a state of mind. It is what you make it. It exists within you, for each one will pattern his or her hell according to what he believes hell is. They don’t hear anybody down there screaming and hollering or any torturing. So what makes you believe that there is some place “down there” that you will go if you are a sinner where there is fire and demons? The Bible? Let’s be for real! There is nothing in the Bible that has been proven to be facts yet. You can’t even prove that the characters in your Bible really exist, let alone a place called hell! The hell that your Preachers, Teachers, Pastors, Rabbis, Imams, and Sheiks preach to you about is another trick to keep you trapped under religion.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The ugly truth about Katrina!


Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").


The ugly truth! Why we couldn’t save the people of New Orleans Poor residents trapped long before Katrina. Simply put, without money, for many there was no escape. "If you’re living well below the poverty line, do you have a credit card to pay to stay in a motel or hotel for a few days?"

Bubbling up from the flood that destroyed New Orleans are images, beamed around the world, of America’s original and continuing sin: the shabby, contemptuous treatment this country metes out, decade after decade, to poor people in general and the descendants of African slaves in particular. The world sees New Orleans burning and dying today, but the televised anarchy - the shooting and looting, needless deaths, helpless rage and maddening governmental incompetence -was centuries in the making.
To the casual viewer, the situation is an incomprehensible mess that raises questions about the intelligence, sanity and moral worth of those trapped in the city. Why didn’t those people evacuate before the hurricane? Why don’t they just walk out of town now? And why should anyone care about people who are stealing and fighting the police?
That hard, unsympathetic view is the traditional American response to the poverty, ignorance and rage that afflict many of us whose great-great-grandparents once made up the captive African slave labor pool. In far too many cities, including New Orleans, the marching orders on the front lines of American race relations are to control and contain the very poor in ghettos as cheaply as possible; ignore them completely if possible; and call in the troops if the brutes get out of line.

By almost every statistical measure, New Orleans is a bad place to be poor. Half the city’s households make less than $28,000 a year and 28% of the population lives in poverty. In the late 1990s, the state’s school systems ranked dead last in the nation in the number of computers per student (1 per 88), and Louisiana has the nation’s second-highest percentage of adults who never finished high school. By the state’s own measure, 47% of the public schools in New Orleans rank as "academically unacceptable."
And Louisiana is the only one of the 50 states where the state legislature doesn’t allocate money to pay for the legal defense of indigent defendants. The Associated Press reported this year that it’s not unusual for poor people charged with crimes to stay in jail for nine months before getting a lawyer appointed.

These government failures are not merely a matter of incompetence. Louisiana and New Orleans have a long, well-known reputation for corruption: as former Congressman Billy Tauzin once put it, "half of Louisiana is under water and the other half is under indictment."
That’s putting it mildly. Adjusted for population size, the state ranks third in the number of elected officials convicted of crimes (Mississippi is No. 1). Recent scandals include the conviction of 14 state judges and an FBI raid on the business and personal files of a Louisiana congressman. In 1991, a notoriously corrupt Democrat named Edwin Edwards ran for governor against Republican David Duke, a former head of the Ku Klux Klan. Edwards, whose winning campaign included bumper stickers saying "Elect the Crook," is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for taking bribes from casino owners. Duke recently completed his own prison term for tax fraud. The rot included the New Orleans Police Department, which in the 1990s had the dubious distinction of being the nation’s most corrupt police force and the least effective: the city had the highest murder rate in America. More than 50 officers were eventually convicted of crimes including murder, rape and robbery; two are currently on Death Row. The decision to subject an entire population to poverty, ignorance, injustice and government corruption as a way of life has its ugly moments, as the world is now seeing. New Orleans officials issued an almost cynical evacuation order in a city where they know full well that thousands have no car, no money for airfare or an interstate bus, no credit cards for hotels, and therefore no way to leave town before the deadly storm and flood arrived. The authorities provided no transportation out of the danger zone, apparently figuring the neglected thousands would somehow weather the storm in their uninsured, low-lying shacks and public housing projects. The poor were expected to remain invisible at the bottom of the pecking order and somehow weather the storm. But the flood confounded the plan, and the world began to see a tide of human misery rising from the water - ragged, sick, desperate and disorderly. Some foraged for food; some took advantage of the chaos to commit crimes. All in all, they acted exactly the way you could predict people would act who have been locked up in a ghetto for generations. The world also saw the breezy indifference with which government officials treated these tens of thousands of sick and dying citizens, even as the scope of the disaster became clear. President Bush initially shunned the Gulf Coast and headed to political fund-raisers in the West. That left matters in the bumbling hands of the director of emergency management, Michael Brown, who ranks No. 1 on the list of officials who ought to be fired when the crisis has passed. Even as local officials were publicly reporting assaults, fires and bedlam at local hospitals, Brown took to the airwaves to declare that "things are going well" as mayhem engulfed the city. When asked about the rising death toll, Brown attributed it to "people who did not heed the advance warnings." Brown’s smug ignorance of the conditions of the place he was tasked to save became the final door slammed on the trap that tens of thousands of the cities poorest found themselves. The challenge for America is to remember the faces of the evacuees who will surely be ushered back into a black hole of public indifference as soon as the White House and local officials can manage it. While pledging ourselves to remember their mistreatment and fight for their cause, we should also be sure to cast a searching, skeptical eye on the money that Bush has pledged for rebuilding. Ten billion dollars are about to pass into the sticky hands of politicians in the No. 1 and No. 3 most corrupt states in America. Worried about looting? You ain`t seen nothing yet.

People who used a mail truck to escape the flooded areas of New Orleans East are forced to lie on the highway by Texas game wardens August 31, 2005. The people were freed but forced to continue on foot.

So the white people don’t "loot", they "find". A curious insight into prevalent racism in the US media; just as one man’s "terrorist" is another man’s "freedom fighter," it seems one man’s "looter", is another man’s "finder". You decide.

A Black woman walks out of a grocery store after finding food in New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005.
A Black man carries a bucket of beer after finding it in a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005.
A young man walks through chest deep flood water after finding food a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005.

Kanye West “George Bush Does Not Care About Black People” (NO SHIT)

Kanye West “George Bush Does Not Care about Black People” Kanye, you forgot about Dr. Condoleezza Rice, we know that she doesn’t care.
This is what she thinks about black people.

Kanye West “I hate the way they treat us in the media, when you see a black family it says they’re looting when you see a white family it says they’re looking for food and it’s been five days because the people are black. George Bush Does Not Care About Black People.”

I hope Mr. West remembers his perception of blacks in the news media when he and his peers produce music videos that glamorize black males as potentially violent goons and black women as b#cth`s and s#uts. I wonder who was of greater influence to those who were raping women in the Superdome: George Bush or Kayne West.

FEMA Chief Michael Brown Removed from Katrina Relief Coast Guard Admiral Put In charge Of Gulf Coast’s Recovery.
Michael Brown has emerged as chief scapegoat for what went wrong in the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina.

Bush’s next sacrificial lambs for Katrina.
"They have M-16`s and they are locked and loaded," Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin offered no transportation when he ordered the population of New Orleans to evacuate. Hundreds of thousands of people were stranded, homeless. Survivors struggle for life’s barest necessities in the toxic floodwaters of New Orleans.

Don’t Give Your Hurricane Donations to the Red Cross Establishment charities have history of withholding disaster funds?

As the aftermath of hurricane Katrina continues to wreak mayhem and havoc amid reports of mass looting, shooting at rescue helicopters, rapes and murders, establishment media organs are promoting the Red Cross as a worthy organization to give donations to.
The biggest website in the world,, displays a Red Cross donation link prominently on its front page. Every time there is a major catastrophe the Red Cross and similar organizations like United Way are given all the media attention while other charities are left in the shadows. This is not to say that the vast majority of Red Cross workers are not decent people who simply want to help those in need. But what the media fails consistently to remember in their promotion of the organization is that the Red Cross has been caught time and time again withholding money in the wake of horrible disasters that require immediate release of funds.

The Red Cross, under the Liberty Fund, collected $564 million in donations after 9/11. Months after the event, the Red Cross had distributed only $154 million. The Red Cross` explanation for keeping the majority of the money was that it would be used to help `fight the war on terror`. To the victims, this meant that the money was going towards bombing broken backed third world countries like Afghanistan and setting up surveillance cameras and expanding the police state in US cities, and not towards helping them rebuild their lives. Then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly responded when questioned about the withholding of funds by stating, "The Liberty Fund is a war fund. It has evolved into a war fund." Despite the family members of victims of 9/11 complaining bitterly to a House Energy and Commerce Committee’s oversight panel, the issue seemed to be brushed under the carpet and the mud didn’t stick.
The Red Cross` scandalous activities reach back far before 9/11. After the devastating San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross passed on only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and banked the rest. Similar donations after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 were also greedily withheld. Smaller charities that were involved with the 2004 Tsunami relief project went public to say that large charities like Red Cross and United Way were engaged in secret backroom negotiations with each other that meant a large portion of the donation money was purposefully restricted from reaching the neediest areas affected by the disaster.

The history is clear, the Red Cross and other large so-called charities are in actual fact front group collection agencies for the military industrial complex. Many informed historians have even alleged that the Red Cross was used as a Skull and Bones cover to overthrow The Russian Czar and pave the way for the rise of the Bolsheviks.

Do not give any money to the Red Cross unless you support the expansion of empire abroad and police state at home. Find a smaller trustworthy organization in the local area of New Orleans and make your donation to them. The Relief Fund Is providing support to families who are assisting those displaced by Hurricane Katrina? These funds raised by the Relief Fund will go to individual Families who have opened their homes to families displaced by Hurricane Katrina, to supplement their personal households as the recovery efforts continue. The Relief Fund is working cooperatively with churches in states neighboring affected areas to identify households in need of assistance. When you make your donation, you can be confident that your contribution will go to families that are in need of assistance.

Echoes of History.
The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America. Like Hurricane Katrina, after a Mississippi storm in 1927, nearly a million people fled. Over a thousand perished. The so called refugees were overwhelmingly black and poor. During the flood, African American was herded onto the levee into camps guarded by the National Guard. The guards were called in to keep African American sharecroppers from fleeing and finding work elsewhere.

The waters came down with a biblical fury and it was -- as it is always -- the poor who were left to confront the catastrophe on her own terms. There had been years of warnings before the floodwaters exploded past the levees. They poured into the low-lying areas; sweeping away housing that had been substandard even before the rains began. Nearly a million people fled. Over a thousand perished. The refugees, overwhelmingly black, overwhelmingly poor were placed in sites that were their own brand of disaster and, unable to leave once they entered, they began comparing the structures to prisons. And the terrible truth beneath this all was that this occurred precisely as it was supposed to: Water follows the path of least resistance.

These events went down not in Louisiana in the past week, but in Mississippi in 1927. Swollen by heavy rains, the river began bursting through levees, built despite protests, that they would only amplify the water’s destructive capacity -- between Illinois and the Gulf. The Republican official in charge, Herbert Hoover in this case -- took a virtually hands-off approach and the Red Cross refugee sites became models of Southern race relations with blacks being forced to do laundry for the National Guardsmen and literally leased out to help rebuild the flooded plantations of the Delta. The levees were repaired, though; as soon as the waters receded enough for black men to be gathered at gunpoint and forced onto labor gangs. (One black man refused to join the gang and was killed by a policeman.)

There been echoes of bad history in the aftermath of Katrina. The past has come back upon us like bad food in the gut.

Hiding Bodies Won’t Hide the Truth!
FEMA Blocks Photos of Katrina Dead victims!

The US government agency leading the rescue efforts after Hurricane Katrina said on Tuesday 9/6/05, it does not want the news media to take photographs of the dead as they are recovered from the flooded New Orleans area. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, heavily criticized for its slow response to the devastation caused by the hurricane, rejected requests from journalists to accompany rescue boats as they went out to search for storm victims. An agency spokeswoman said space was needed on the rescue boats and that “the recovery of the victims is being treated with dignity and the utmost respect.”
“We have requested that no photographs of the deceased be made by the media,” the spokeswoman said. The Bush administration also has prevented the news media from photographing flag-draped caskets of US soldiers killed in Iraq, which has sparked criticism that the government is trying to block images that put the war in a bad light. The White House is under fire for its handling of the relief effort, which many officials have charged was slow and bureaucratic, contributing to the death and mayhem in New Orleans after the storm struck on Aug, 2005. So FEMA can try to hide the bodies from the public’s view. But the public will not forget.

The US government did not block these photos of the Dead! They were not treated with dignity and the utmost respect.

George W. Bush abandons Black Americans. Shocking delay in aid contrasts with 200 billion wasted in Iraq.


President George W. Bush pays back the good Christian Americans who elected him despite his illegal act of slaughter in Iraq by sitting in his Texas ranch for two days after the most horrific suffering was visited on the area around New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina. After two hundred billion dollars were spent in destabilizing Iraq, slaughtering up to one hundred thousand innocent civilians, blasting the legs and arms off defenseless children and leaving the country and region in utter chaos, the best he can do is a brief flyover of the region and a belated visit, hurriedly put together only because of the protests. And the protests are many, and venomous and rightly so. How is it possible that in a country which is always blowing its horn about how advanced it is, that people are starving to death? Is this Somalia? No, it is George Bush’s United States of America.

How is it possible that young children are dying of thirst? Is this Mali? No, it is George Bush’s United States of America. How is it possible that people are having to scavenge for food? Is this Burkina Faso? No, it is George Bush’s United States of America. So, this is how President George Bush treats the people who put their trusting him. After siphoning off 200 billion USD of their hard-earned cash to finance his illegal act of butchery overseas, he turns his back on them, leaves them to wallow in the sewage, to lie rotting in the streets and to starve to death.
Welcome to George Bush’s United States of America. It appears the man is as inept at governing his own country as he is at conducting foreign policy. George W. Bush will go down in the annals of history as the worst president this country has ever had and the worst leader the international community is unfortunate enough to have been forced to rub shoulders with.
How Bush’s policies doomed New Orleans.

No one can say they didn’t see it coming. A year ago the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane, but the Bush administration ordered that the research not be undertaken. After a flood killed six people in 1995, Congress created the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project, in which the Corps of Engineers strengthened and renovated levees and pumping stations.

In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war. Biblical in its uncontrolled rage and scope, Hurricane Katrina has left millions of Americans to scavenge for food and shelter and hundreds to thousands reportedly dead. With its main levee broken, the evacuated city of New Orleans has become part of the Gulf of Mexico. But the damage wrought by the hurricane may not entirely be the result of an act of nature. In 2004, the Bush administration cut the Corps of Engineers’ request for holding back the waters of New Orleans’ Lake Pontchartrain by more than 80 percent. Additional cuts at the beginning of this year (for a total reduction in funding of 44.2 percent since 2001) forced the Corps to impose a hiring freeze. The Senate had debated adding funds for fixing New Orleans levees, but it was too late.

REFUGEE ~ defined as a person outside of his or her country of nationality who is unable or unwilling to return because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

The above definition proves that these people are in no way "Refugees".

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Columbus Day, Do you celebrate?


Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").

Columbus Day, Do you celebrate?

The Columbus Day holiday should be abolished. Documents on the misdeeds of this pirate/conquistador in the Caribbean prove he is unworthy of having honors bestowed upon him. Columbus believed in his own "God-given" superiority and the inferiority of the dark-skinned, non-Christian natives. He imposed a system of forced labor where he worked them till death. There is also documented evidence that Columbus butchered those who failed to meet their quota of gold. Columbus was directly involved in murdering and enslaving natives and played a leading role in the destruction of their cultures. Columbus set a precedent; in his wake came Cortez, Pizarro, and all the other gold-hungry Spanish conquistadors to continue the perpetuation of these horrendous atrocities. The Spaniards imposed the infamous "requirements" of the Spanish crown. The Indians were given a choice to either accept the Christian god or be tortured to death. Ultimately, the European invasion and conquest of the New World wiped out more than 90 percent of the population. What is at issue here is what Christopher Columbus and the holiday stand for. Columbus Day, also known as Discovery Day, symbolizes conquest, genocide, and racism. Columbus Day is nothing more than a remembrance of the Western holocaust of 100 million indigenous peoples. For Native Americans, it is a day of mourning and the anniversary of the beginning of the European conquest of their world without borders. To celebrate Columbus Day and view this barbaric exploiter as a hero indicates the level of insensitivity, disrespect, and racism in our society for the original inhabitants of this land. Proposed (completely tongue-in-cheek, now) that in honor of Columbus Day, why don’t I just break into the homes of some folks that I despise the most, and just "discover" some of they sh!t? Seriously, though, every time we celebrate this genocidal rapist’s "discovery", we slap the First Americans in the face. ABOLISH COLUMBUS DAY NOW!

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali

To my brothers and sister

The Prophet Noble Drew Ali knew that true salvation was through our separation and learning of the ancient secrets, Islam, Masonry were all keys to the sacred Word. The pyramid (MIR) were where the lower and high Mysterious were taught. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, were the lower mysterious taught to the ancient (nubun/Moors) in America it took certain leader to guide to guide to light knowledge the time of Out formation which is now information (to -inform).These masters Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Honorable Elijah Muhammad, now in this day in time Dr. Malachi the grand master bringing in the science of Knowing, sound, right reason...which now convey to know wisdom and OVERSTANDING..

Islam is 1400 years old a book of dead...Bible history is close to 6,000 book of the dead real scribe which are held in Egypt, and Iraq today this is why the president wants that part of the country because the illuminati know our history is held there....

we over 76 trillion years of history knowledge that we held when we were in a enteric state call etherian...9 to the 9th power of 9 conscious and conscience gas. That took on the physical flesh....extracting the high form of melinane....ether from electric and magnetic energy. Being form in the womb of our mother as she breathe in the dust particles through her sinus cavity making her form the skin of the Ancient (nubun/moors) give the child existence in darkness...where all thing come from darkness...where everything was peaceful being born in the light where chaos dwells..


"We must struggle as individuals to build this essential new African self respect through the following exercises: 1) We must stop gossiping about one another; 2) we must stop name calling one another; 3) we must stop squabbling with one another; 4) we must stop competing and comparing ourselves with one another; 5) we must stop making babies of our sons and lovers and then calling them incompetent behind their backs; 6) and instead of looking into the mirror each morning asking, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I the fairest one of all?" we should begin to ask, "mirror, mirror on the wall, am I fooling my black self at all?" We do not have many choices remaining. The time is short and the crisis situation, though not of our own making, is upon us. Will we continue to be the "Cooperating Cleopatra’s" or will we be the fighting, struggling warrior Queens? Racism, now as in Cleopatra`s time is war against Black People, against the Black Family, against Black Men, against Black Women and against Black Children, throughout the world. There is no war in history that has gone away with a wish or a prayer. Wars must be fought with the willpower, knowledge, courage and determination of people."

"The pig is a mass of worms. Each mouthful you eat is not a nutritious food but a mass of small worms the naked eye cannot detect. Worms thrive in the hog. When these worms are digested into your system, they cause a high birth rate to hundreds of new worms called larvae, which travels the blood stream of your system and lodge in your muscles. These worms even enter you brain, lungs or your spinal fluid. They cause muscular aches, fever and many other symptoms of sickness. The worm has an amazing ability to go undetected in your system for many years.
"The scientific name of the ill-causing worm found in all pork is Trichinella spirals which causes trichinosis. "Despite what veterinarians, public health officials the Agricultural Department or your doctor say, the best defense against the pig is DO NOT EAT IT! When you do eat it. You are only hurting yourself." "Inspection and governmental seals on pork do not remove the danger of the worms yet in the pork to make it safe for you to eat."

Pork is often referred to as "cured." The word "cured" is the past tense of the verb "cure." If a meat has to be cured before we eat it, we should not even take the chance to eat it." "IT IS A MEDICINE and not food."
"Since there is poison in it, the flesh of swine will cure most any kind of disease. Take a slice of this "fatty" and "salty" pork and you have a boil on you some place, full of fever; lay a piece of fat on it and it will soon draw it out.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Nightmare on Elm Street, white America worst nightmare, has come home.



Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").


The kingdom of heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself, or herself shall find it.

Nightmare on Elm Street, white America worst nightmare, has come home.

"This is the cry of a people who were robbed, raped, and taken from their homeland and loved ones. A people stripped of their culture, their dignity, their liberty, their rights, and their God, by the cruel and presumptuous hands of the colonial and imperialistic slavers whom cargoed them into the West. Where for over 500 years we have toiled and labored with our blood, sweat tears and hands. We have built the great city of Babylon only to be paid with the wages of the taskmaster’s whip, torture, and death. We’ve been down in the valley of captivity, humility, slavery, sufferation, condemnation, segregation, and humiliation much too long. It is time for us to rise and shine and win our liberation. For now is the time for us to be men to our women, fathers to our children, and restore strength and power to the black nation. Waste no more time, remember our history". Bunny Wailer

The Black Liberation Martyrs.

Nameless thousands have resisted even unto death for the liberation of African people, beginning on the shores of the Mother continent itself and continuing through the Middle Passage, Slavery, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Struggle, the Black Liberation Struggle, and the struggles of today. The fact that the names of many of those individuals are not known does not reduce the significance of their contribution to the struggle for Black Liberation. This compilation is an attempt to recognize and pay homage to those individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the liberation of Black/African people and should not be looked upon as discrediting the thousands, perhaps even millions of others that have also struggled for true freedom, justice, and equality. Our generation must now accept the torch that has been passed to us to guarantee our existence and our children’s future. The Struggle Continues Gabriel Prosser (? - 1800)
Executed: October 7, 1800 by state of Virginia for plotting slave insurrection in Norfolk County. Toussaint L`Ouverture (1743-1803) died due to complications related to imprisonment in a cold, mountain cell in France. Denmark Vesey (1767-1822) Executed: July 2, 1822 by state of South Carolina along with 34 other Blacks for plotting slave insurrection in Charleston. Nat Turner (1800-1831) Executed: November 11, 1831 by state of Virginia for leading slave insurrection in Southampton County. Medger Evers (NAACP) (1928-1963) Assassinated: June 12, 1963 in Mississippi by convicted murder Byron De La Beck member of the KKK. Bobby "L`il Bobby" Hutton (BPP) (1950-1968) Assassinated: April 6, 1968 by Oakland Police.

The "Bling" Has Got to Give.

Their Own Commodification”. If a picture is worth a thousand words, this picture might be a mini novel.

As with pictures or images sometimes statistics can say a whole lot by just offering the numbers. This is the case with a recent editorial by author, Yolanda Young called, “Tough choices for tough times”. In it she gives a breakdown of what I like to call “misappropriation of funds”.
These are tough economic times, especially for African-Americans, for whom the unemployment rate is more than 10%. Pretty alarmingly, but rather than belt-tightening, the response has been to spend more. In many poor neighborhoods, one is likely to notice satellite dishes and expensive new cars. According to Target Market, a company that tracks black consumer spending, blacks spends a significant amount of their income on depreciable products. In 2002, the year the economy nose-dived; we spent $22.9 billion on clothes, $3.2 billion on electronics and $11.6 billion on furniture to put into homes that, in many cases, were rented. Among our favorite purchases are cars and liquor. Blacks make up only 12% of the U.S. population, yet account for 30% of the country’s Scotch consumption. Detroit, which is 80% black, is the world’s No. 1 market for Cognac. So impressed was Lincoln with the $46.7 billion that blacks spent on cars that the automaker commissioned Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, the entertainment and fashion mogul, to design a limited-edition Navigator replete with six plasma screens, three DVD players and a Sony PlayStation 2. The only area where blacks seem to be cutting back on spending is books; total purchases have gone from a high of $356 million in 2000 to $303 million in 2003.