I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What the Creator desires is here.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
T.D. Jakes.
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")
“This is enough to make a Negro, turn Black.” Lutrelle F. Palmer
The African American slavery experience has involved every possible cause for post-traumatic stress disorder, or Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.
"I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." Harriet Tubman 1820-1913
Those kinds of so-called black men will not protect or respect the black woman or the black child. But are happy to beat there chest, when given the right by White America go to a so-called war to kill pale Arabs, but will not pick up a water gun to help clean up the community.
Angie Stone (My baby’s Momma)
Black Brother. He is my King, He is my one Yes he’s my father, Yes he’s my son I can talk to him, cuz he understands Everything I go through and everything I am. That’s my support system, I can’t live without him the best thing since sliced bread, is his kiss, his hugs, his lips, his touch. And I just want the whole world to know, about my...
Black Brotha, I love ya.
This popular preacher, also known as "Bishop Jakes," comes from a United Pentecostal background. He pastors The Potter’s House (Dallas, Texas) one of America’s fastest-growing Mega churches. He is also a leader and elected bishop of the "Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies," a network of Oneness Pentecostal churches - though not identified as such at the T.D. Jakes.
In 1979, Pastor Jakes opened the doors of his first church located in a storefront facility in Montgomery, WV with only 10 members. The church eventually became known as The Temple of Faith and was affiliated with Ohio-based Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, a Pentecostal organization that governs many churches of similar persuasion.Bishop Jakes speak and write books about black women, but he would never tell you this.
The woman, is she what we have been taught in religion (Judaism, Christianity & Islam)? Is she what was explained to us by our fathers, who have also been taught by the above religions? If she is, has she always been the creature described to us in our holy books (Talmud, Torah, Bible, Qur`an)? In all my research what I have come to realize is that men have never been successful at defining her being, because in most cases their definitions have been cut short by chauvinism and sexist views. No man in the Bible, Torah or Qur`an has ever accepted the woman for what she truly is and was, and if we continue to follow in their footsteps we never will! They are our mothers, sisters, daughters, nieces and cousins. Yet till this day they are not widely respected and are not looked upon as great, or not as great as men are. We have been taught that man was first, man is the rightful ruler, men are better, the woman was the first to sin, and so forth. But what hasn’t been told is the true history or works of the woman! No one could better tell this than a woman herself, and I am not a woman, I will do my best. (Smile)
Goddess to some, mother to others and sisters to brothers, but she alone has carried the weight of the earth. For she alone has the capability to mother, to bring forth existence from the womb (darkness). This is not a task that no man is built for, nor would he be able to survive. "A little research will do you good", is what I was told by a wise man, and in all my researching I have found that all has originated from the woman. From man to god! From Sumer to the ancient America’s! All has come from women! It wasn’t until patriarchal religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) that the woman became a "seductress hoe", a sinner and less than man, but this was not always the case! In more ancient times women were considered to be equal to men, and in many places they ruled over all and did a better job at it!
It is now a scientific FACT that man is a hybrid form of the woman, and thus proving the "man first" theory wrong! The Mitochondria DNA is a trait that only the woman carries, and is now the proof that man was not first. Through this DNA they have traced the first human back to an "African Woman", and also the oldest bones found belonged to an African Woman. It is also a fact that for a man to be born, he must first come through a woman. Even though she brings us into this world, she is still thought of as weak and dependant. This is easy to do if you’re uneducated and have no knowledge of the history women!
Many of the GODS of these new religions started off as women or had women as partners, and it was this way until the patrilineal religions came to be. Many of the GODS of these new religions started off as women or had women as partners, and it was this way until the patrilineal religions came to be. Many of the symbols and beings we so love started out as women, and many of the stories we have been told were in fact stories of women. So lets go ahead a prove these claims, as I try to give the woman their just due and hopefully others will quickly follow suite.
Black Indians,The Egyptian Sphinx, Black Madonna and TheOlmec.
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
Black Indians
Description: A Hidden Heritage. Blacks and Indians had first contact as far back as the days of Columbus. Blacks found refuge and acceptance not found in white society in Indian societies, but this part of American history has been much hidden and denied. "This may be the most comprehensive study to date on the intermixing of Blacks & Native.
American: The term "American" according to U.S. history was supposedly taken from the Italian navigator, Amerigo Vespucci. The truth is that the term, "America" is a two part word (Amer) taken from the French word, "Moor" which were the inhabitants of West Africa (Morocco, Mali). These Africans were also referred to as, "Muur, Moor" and "Morenos" in Spain to mean,” Black." The term, "Moor" is the root word of the Latin term, "Amor" which means, "Beloved" and was the term used in reference to the Moroccan kings who sailed via Spain and became religious leaders of the Vatican. The original Vatican priesthood was African! (Catholic = Cat Holistic or "Holy Cat" of Egypt symbolized by the Sphinx.) The Moroccan priesthood oversaw the Papal government. The term, "Rica" derived from the Middle English word "Ric" to mean "Power realm." Power was determined by bloodline and by wealth, thus the term, "Rich" or "Reich," and referred to the wealthy Moroccans that were depicted in the films, "Casablanca" and "The King and I". The term "American" literally refers to the early inhabitants of this land who wore gold in their noses.
The Egyptian Sphinx and Black Madonna.
The Wahitaw were direct descendants of the Olmecs who mixed in with the Malian Moors. The name "Wahitaw" comes from the Wahita River which flows along Northwest Texas and Oklahoma to the Red River, where the Cheyenne Native Americans lived with the Chawasha, meaning "Raccoon People”. The Washo were a tribe of Negroid who lived above the New Orleans Bayou and were of Tunican linguistic stock. The name "Wahitaw" is a derivative of the term "Ouachita" or what is now "Wichita". The term is a Choctaw term which means "Big Arbor" which represented the Grass thatched arbor homes that the people lived in. The Washtaw was originally from lower Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama (named after Nubian-Sudanese Ali Baba). The tribe was officially named "Wichita" by the U.S. Government in the Camp Holmes Treaty of 1835. This tribe was unmistakably a Negroid tribe! The Wichita were also known as "Paniwassaha" or by the French "Panioussa" which means "Black Pawnee." French traders from Illinois called them "Pani Pique" which means "Tattooed Pawnee." The Wasitaw or "Raccoon People" were called Raccoons because of their black faces. When describing the Wahitaw, the French describes the blacks who lived in large grass houses. TheWahitaw called themselves "Kitikitish" which is an interpretation of "Raccoon Eyed." The term was later shortened to "Coon" which became a term used in reference to blacks in America. The Wahitaw were an offshoot of the Pawnee Confederation. When the Moors came to America, they mixed in with the Wahitaw Native Americans and became known as "Washo." So the Wahitaw Moors are the so-called "Lost" tribe of Indians that are spoken of in the history books? Yes! They are the hidden tribe that was the descendants of the Olmecs and Toltec’s of Mexico. The Wasitaw tribe is also the ancestors to such tribes as Pawnee, Osage, Creek, Seminole, Cherokee, Catawba, Comanche, Nez Perce, Tuscarora, Gingaskin, Mattaponi, Powhatten, Micmac, Lumbi, Mandan, Blackfoot, Natchez, Chickasaw, and many more tribes.
MEXICO (XI) Gigantic stone head of Negritic African during the Olmec (XI) Civilization.
The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago, by way of the Bering straight and about thirty thousand years ago in a worldwide maritime undertaking that included journeys from the then wet and lake filled Sahara towards the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, and from West Africa across the Atlantic Ocean towards the Americas.
According to the Gladwin Thesis, this ancient journey occurred, particularly about 75,000 years ago and included Black Pygmies, Black Negritic peoples and Black Australians similar to the Aboriginal Black people of Australia and parts of Asia, including India.
(TATTOO REGRET) Off the mark “When soccer moms are getting tattoos, you know it’s time to stop."
Once a rite of passage for young sailors tattoos in the last decade or so have become fashion statements for everybody from Hollywood’s young starlets to high school girls hanging out at the local mall.
By the late 1990s, low-rider pants and skimpy crop tops made once-hidden pieces of flesh valuable real estate: A Chinese symbol across the small of a woman’s back, a devil peering over a waistline or a flower on the ankle became common sights. Now, it seems the trend of the 1990s is becoming the regret of the 2000s, as more and more women turn to laser surgery to erase something that’s not looking as good at age 35 as it did at 25.
According to the American Society for Dermatological Surgery, the tattoo removal business is booming. The group says the practice of removing tattoos with lasers, the newest technology available, has surged 27 percent from 2001 to 2003. That number probably will grow when the group’s new report comes out later this year. Many adults with tattoos would like to have them removed," said Avner Raz, president of Lumenis, a company that makes tattoo-removing equipment. I know a lot of girls get tattoos because they think that they’re really cute or sexy, sure it’s cute now, but how will it look when you’re in your 40s, 50s and 60s, and it’s all sun-damaged and wrinkled? Yuck.
Who are you? A woman that is black and beautiful inside and out filled with joy and pride. Who are you? A Woman as graceful as a butterfly, as woman should be seen and not heard. Who are you? A woman that is cunning, a woman of skill and knowledge. Who are you? A woman with strength, to knock down any boundaries keeping you from your journeys of life. Who are you? A woman that dream to have a life of an angel with never ending love and happiness. Who are you? A woman that’s your lover and friend, keep you feeling loved and secure. Who are you? A woman of respect and admiration; respecting and admiring your mind body and soul. Who are you? A woman with a passionate kiss with lips as soft as fresh rose petals, leaving him wanting and wishing for more. Who are you? A woman with a charm that’s as radiant as the sunshine. Who are you? A woman full of laughter giggles and grins, which is the medicine of the soul. Who are you? A woman with your identity, look into your eyes and you’ll see who you are. Black is Beautiful.