“"It is easy to tell right from wrong, but the hard part is choosing the wrong that is right." Sawaad Amen Ra
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
I would like to show the other side of whites in America - a side never talked about. This is a cruel story well worth reading. But first, some background info: It is surprisingly common to see whites in America adopting black crack babies. This particular story is very cruel. Blacks have lots of crack babies- and great many babies are just thrown away. In this particular case a black mother bashed her newborn baby on the side of the head and then threw her in a toilet to die. A white Policewoman found and adopted the baby. What is interesting is how many black children are abandoned and left to die in America.
It is white people who often take pity on these throwaway children and try to take care of them. I have noticed on numerous occasions in the mall or in a super-market, a white woman either with her own white children and a black child among them, or a young white couple who have adopted a black baby. I have never in my life seen a black couple adopting a white baby - but I have seen many whites - often well-off/upper-class whites who have adopted black babies as their own and who raise them.
What do you think about transracial adoption? Can "whites" provide loving and caring homes for "black" babies or other babies "of color?" Can "whites" provide the "cultural influences" necessary to develop self-esteem and pride within "black" kids? How many of the "black" kids languishing in foster care are actually of mixed-race -- not "black" at all? While delivering drugs to a fetus is not a crime in Illinois, it does fall under the definition of neglect, giving the state a reason to open a child welfare case, said John Goad, associate deputy director of child protection for Cook County for the Illinois. Black babies in Illinois are more likely than white babies to be taken from their mothers and placed in foster care because of drug exposure, the Reporter found. Thank you White America, for adopting black crack babies.