Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
Celia Cruz 1924-2003
WE ARE NOT HISPANIC, LATINO OR (Black Latino, Afro-Latino, Afro-Mexican, Black-Puerto Rican, Afro-Argentine, Afro-Peruvian, Black Mexican, Black Hispanics)
We are African descent people: In this Hispanic/Latino identity fraud, the African descent people who speak Spanish (Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Panama) are treated to an even worse situation than those of us who are in North America. Notice how they too are forced to pretend Spanish heritage. Celia Cruz (African descent) wearied her blond straight wigs and white pancake make up. She looked like a clown and proclaims her Hispanic heritage.
Jose Contreras, Alfonso Soriano, Vladimir Guerrero, and Sammy Sosa all of these Baseball players are Spanish Speaking African descent people. Speaking the language does not make you part of the culture of that language or part of the people of that language; ask the Jamaicans or African descent people in the United States or anywhere else that non-European people speak the English language. The more enlightened African descent people will explain to you that they use the English language only because of colonialism. It is not their heritage or their identity.
Having a Spanish surname supposedly is the other criteria for being labeled Hispanic. But most of us carry Spanish surnames because they were forced on us; we were branded with British names (Jackson, Washington, Jones, etc.). African descent people have some European blood that was raped into them, but they are not called Europeans, Afro-Euros, or Britannic to glorify that blood.
Remember that there is no such thing as a "Latin" nation, race, or ethnic group---there is only the racist colonial term of "Latin America" ("Latino" just means Latin in Spanish) which refers to the colonialists and the colonial possessions of the Europeans of southern Europe (Spaniards, Portuguese, and French) in the "Western Hemisphere". The only thing "Latin" about South, Central and North America is the 500 years of racist colonialism that has killed 95% of the population, and the theft of the land and its wealth. "Latino" deny us our true identity and heritage. It keeps us slaves to European interests and Spaniard culture. Collectively, we have no Latin genealogy, Latin blood group, Latin history, or a common Latin culture of food or mythology.
The "Latino" labelingof our people isa colonialist-racist act of Genocide---an attempt to "kill off" our people`s true identity, history, independence, and our rights.
Latin refers to the language and the culture of the Romans. This language is the root of the southern European Latin languages: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Rumanian, and several other numerically smaller dialects derivative of Latin. From the word Latin comes the Spanish word “Latino”, which refers to the people, the languages, the culture, and all things related to the southern Europeans whose culture is rooted in the Latin language and the Roman culture.
Hispania comes from the Latin language of the Romans, referring to the country of Spain [Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language (1993) by Thunder Bay Press]. From the word Hispania comes the word “Hispanic” which refers to the people, the language, the culture, and all things related to Spain. Spain is a country in southern Europe.
THE CONCEPT OF HISPANIC is even more racist than "Latino" because it completely denies us our true heritage by not even referring to our colonized condition of being in "Latin America". We now become direct possessions of Spaniards. This is an attempt (successful so far) to actively reactivate the Spanish colonial empire through their colonials on the land. The media is their main tool in this parasitic renewed colonialist machine of the European Spaniards.
Catholic religion: Black people who are in South and Central America are predominantly Catholic in their religion. Most of our people attempt to be “sincere Christians” in the way they live their lives. Our people believe the same things that other Catholics believe. They believe without proof that Jesus is “God”. They believe without proof in the articles of faith that there is a heavenand hell,the forgiveness of sins, that Holy Communion is the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and that there will be a resurrection of the body at the end of times. All of this belief system is dependent on our people having a “faith” in all of this.
Yet if they knew that the church was responsible for setting off the Genocide of our people, the burning of our books, the executions of our leaders and teachers, and for keeping our people cultural slaves of the Europeans; perhaps our people’s faith in a European religion of a “white” man as “God” might be questioned.
People of the Ice:
Let`s go back to the beginning about 200,000 years before Christ. Prehistoric men and women had been living on the plains of Africa for more than three million years, developing tools, forming communities, building small huts, hunting, gathering food and creating the roots of human culture.
About two hundred thousand years ago some of these early people began to move north into Europe and west into Asia, probably following herds of animals during the warm spells between Ice Ages. As the Ice Ages returned again and again, these people were trapped in a frozen Eurasia very different from the warm, fertile plains of Africa.
No longer could they walk outside without covering their naked bodies from head to toe to keep from freezing to death. No longer could they sleep out under stars on a warm summer night, pick abundant fruit hanging from the trees or hunt herds of African animals so huge that they took days to stampede past. These early humans were forced into frozen caves, huddled around fires for warmth, trudging through snow and ice to find food and fighting their neighbors over scraps of meat that it no longer made sense to share. These Africans living in Eurasia began to lose their societies based on sharing and "we first", these were twisted into Eurasian cultures based onindividualism and "me first". Over thousands of years, the melanin that had protected their dark skins from the burning African sun began to fade from their complexions; their skin became a light yellowish pink.The tightly curled black hair which had protected the brain so well from sunstroke grew limp and stringy, sometimes turning strange colors; red, brown or even yellow. Healthy nostrils designed to exchange large amounts of cooling air in the lungs during hot, tropical days became pinched and narrow nostrils designed to preserve body heat in a frozen wasteland. Their lips shrank to almost nothing.
The Dawn of Civilization.
Five thousand years ago the Eurasians (Europe and Asia are one continent, in case nobody has noticed) were still living in caves, but progress still flourished on the African continent.Africans had developed the world`s first great civilization in the land of Kemet, known today as Egypt. For the first time mankind organized itself on a massive scale, building temples, cities and pyramids that could not be rebuilt today despite amazing modern technology.Without machines, without engines, without concrete and without computers, African people built pyramids so huge they can be seen from earth orbit with the naked eye. The Great Wall of China, built thousands of years later, is the only other man made structure of this magnitude. Thousands of years before the birth of Christ, Africans in Kemet made amazing developments in science, agriculture, commerce, religion, philosophy, education and government. A coin-operated holy water machine thousands of years old has been excavated in Egypt, only one of many amazing artifacts of the world`s first great civilization.
Age of the Barbarians:
Through trade and conquest, knowledge andthe ideas of civilization spread out of Egypt and the Fertile Crescent to the whites living closest to Africa. First the Greeks, and then the Romans formed societies whose architecture, philosophy and cultures imitated concepts taken from Egypt. Learned African scholars and tutors were brought in to endarken barbaric Eurasians, with mixed results (the name Aesop means "Egyptian"). Greeks and Romans organized their societies enough to conquer and colonize large areas of Eurasia and Africa, including Egypt itself. White backlash by primitive tribes of Eurasians against African cultural influences in Greco-Roman society caused savages from the north to overrun Rome, resulting in the Light Ages; a thousand years of European ignorance compounded by savagery.
Only one group in Europe made significant strides in mathematics, navigation, philosophy, invention and learning during this time period; the Africans who had taken over southern Spain.
Age of the Barbarians II: The Sequel
Five hundred years ago Eurasian barbarians swarmed out of the north once more, this time spreading over the whole earth. They were successful because they were quick to adapt to technology, raw materials and concepts stolen from other cultures (gunpowder, the printing press, spices and pasta from China; metallurgy, mathematics, Christianity and navigation from Africa).
Europeans took control of the earth, spreading their greed-based culture using gunpowder and religion. They murdered millions of people and enslaved millions more, wiping out whole cultures that stood in the way of their conquest. Sexual interaction with the conquered people, especially African people, quickly showed that the penis would not be as effective a weapon as the gun or the bible had proven to be. The children of interracial sexual contacts tended to have African features: good tightly curled hair, dark skin, strong noses and lips, instead of non-black features like stringy hair, pale compale complexions or thin lips.