Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
It's an American Bourgeois Invention. It came out of White American’s affairs with money and spontaneous sex. "Falling in Love" has gotten a lot of Black men and women in deep, deep trouble. "Falling in Love" refers to someone who has left reality temporary and has been touched by a mysterious feeling that put them in almost a dream state. "In Love" in supposed to mean that you're "in a different state of behavior and consciousness. Your body and mind is out of its normal metabolism and into something else; some paralyzed concentration of feelings toward another person. It's an American Western Press, CBS, I Love Lucy, NBC, James Bond, Dick and Jane, Walt Disney Productions of Love, i.e., a distortion of Human Love. Love does not come from "Falling," it comes from struggle, criticism, and growth,” Falling in love" has become a definite approach to social relationships by some Black men and women.
What happens when a Black man is in love with a Black woman? Nothing, because "falling in love" requires no human will or energy.” Falling in love” preoccupies the person with the fact that they are falling, i.e., a falling sensation. This falling sensation is supposed to mean that you're not in control of your feelings for a person. A Black man's love for a Black woman can't evolve out of "Falling," and he can't view his relationship as "in Love." "In Love" further implies that the opposite of "in love" is "out of love." If you isn’t "in love, then you must be "out" of love. In Lovers and out of Lovers. Black women need Black men who are "in reality" with them, not "in love." Out intimate love for them. If we operate on the Western definition of "in Love" we are in essence saying that we are "out of Love" with Black women (i.e., don't love them or nobody), until we fall "in Love" with them. This funny "in Love" experience is supposed to represent the highest form of love one can have. (Another American piece of confusion that some of us Black men and women "fall" for.) We Black men should become more conscious of not approaching Black women with this Western fairy tale explanation of love.
Our love for Black women will evolve from our struggle to free each other from the grips of exploitation from our productive criticism, and our will to constantly grow, not from "falling." Anybody can "fall in Love." but anybody can't recognize love, develop it and sustain it. Black women need Black men who are "in reality" with them, notion love,” Out intimate love for them should arise out of our already existing brotherly love for them. If we operate on the Western definition of "in Love" we are in essence saying that we are out of Love" with Black women (i.e., don't love them or nobody). Until we fall "in Love" with them. This funny "in Love" experience is supposed to represent the highest form of love one can have. (Another American piece of confusion that some of us Black men and women "fall" for.) We Black men should become more conscious of not approaching Black women with this Western fairy tales explanation of love. Our love for Black women will evolve from our struggle to free each other from the grips of exploitation from our productive criticism, and our will to constantly grow, not from "falling." Anybody can "fall in love," but anybody can't recognize love, develop it and sustain it...