"One who loves you, warns you." African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
“A number of external factors affect the African situation, and if our liberation struggle is to be placed in correct perspective and we are to KNOW THE ENEMY, the impact of these factors must be fully grasped.”
Kwame Nkrumah 1909-1972
Be Aware that there are a lot of members of the African American community Dying of AIDS or living with HIV. Respect yourself, protect yourself. Know where you stand, take the Test. Spread love, Not death.
What in the blue hell is going on?
The Confederate battle flag, called the "Southern Cross" or the cross of St. Andrew, has been described variously as a proud emblem of Southern heritage and as a shameful reminder of slavery and segregation.In the past, several Southern states flew the Confederate battle flag along with the U.S. and state flags over their statehouses. Others incorporated the controversial symbol into the design of their state flags. The Confederate battle flag has also been appropriated by the Ku Klux Klan and other racist hate groups.
Crystal Hunt and Marquita Jackson, winners of Sambo of the month award for May, 2005.
If Crystal Hunt and Marquita Jackson were looking to draw attention, they succeeded. Wolf whistles and honks followed the bikini-clad duo as they strutted down Ocean Boulevard on MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. Hunt was wearing a Confederate battle flag wrap over her white two-piece, Jackson a top bearing the familiar stars-and-bars co-opted by the Ku Klux Klan.
You could say the two black women were thumbing their noses at the NAACP`s five-year-old boycott of South Carolina exceptfor one thing: Neither of the 21-year-old North Carolina women had any idea there was a boycott.
The NAACP started the boycott in 2000 to get the Confederate battle flag off the South Carolina statehouse dome. That goal was achieved that year, but the group continued the sanctions when the flag was moved to a memorial on the statehouse grounds -- a place of honor the group says the flag doesn`t deserve. Hunt, one of the bathing suit rebels, said if the boycott hasn`t achieved its objective in five years, it never will. `It`s silly,` said Hunt, a criminal justice student at Fayetteville State University. `It`s a new millennium. Everybody`s not worried about a flag.`
Crystal Hunt and Marquita Jackson, please read the following books Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America by Hilton Als, Jon Lewis, Leon F. Litwack, James Allen and Ralph Ginzburg 100 years of Lynching.
Without Sanctuary brings to life one of the darkest and sickest periods in American history . . .. The photographs in this book make real the hideous crimes that were committed against humanity. Such atrocities happened in America not so long ago. These photographs bear witness to the hangings, burnings, castrations, and torture of an American holocaust. From the Foreward by Congressman and 1960`s Civil Rights Leader, John Lewis. These lynchings are portrayed on picture postcards that were sent to friends and relatives of the lynch mobs. At a number of country schools the day`s routine was delayed until boy and girl pupils could get back from [viewing] the lynched man. The degree to which whites came to accept lynching as justifiable homicide was best revealed in how they learned to differentiate between `good` and `bad` lynching.
A Black woman and man lynched by those who love that flag.
Post-traumaticstress disorder, or PostTraumatic Slave Syndrome.
The African American slavery experience has involved every possible cause for post-traumatic stress disorder, or PostTraumatic Slave Syndrome. Crystal Hunt, Marquita Jackson, and The so-called rapper Lil John are experience possible cause of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PostTraumatic Slave Syndrome.
(Just for your information.)
The American Flag flew over Slavery from 1776 until 1865. Longer then the Confederate flag flew over only from 1863 until 1865.
Crystal Hunt, Marquita Jackson, and Lil John, I Bet you did not know?
Slavery and the building of America PBS film explores role of slaves, enslavement on shaping of U.S Three of the first 11 enslaved Africans arrive in Dutch New Amsterdam in 1626 for purchase by the Dutch West India Company, as shown in a reenactment from PBS` "Slavery and the Making of America. The names Colonel Tye, Robert Smalls and Harriet Jacobs aren’t as familiar as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Betsy Ross, but they, too, are the forefathers and foremothers of America. They also were slaves. So were Denmark Vesey, Mum Bett, Emmanuel and Frances Driggus, and millions of other black pioneers instrumental in building a barely charted territory into one of the strongest and richest.
"The first of all the Negro minstrel shows came to town, And made a sensation." -- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The Louisiana Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of a Houma district Judge Timothy Ellender charged with misconduct for attending a Halloween party last year in blackface, an Afro wig and an orange jail jumpsuit. In the minstrel show white entertainers put on blackface and "imitated" or "caricatured" slaves in the South and ex-slaves in the North. Below is why a judge or any another non-black will do blackface.