“When an old man see a snake and refuse to run, he is prepared to die!” African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
Sisters and tattoos- where do I start? Much like 10 inch nails and purple hair- tattoos are the newest thing sisters have decided to overdo. I swear we as a people are like peacocks- we like to be seen. We are flashy and don’t get me wrong this can sometimes be a good thing. However when overdone we often end up looking like fools and such is the case with sisters and their multiple tattoos.
I remember back in the day when all women had the same tattoo- a delicate little rose on the ankle. That was back when ladies wanted to be a little edgy, a little sexy, but still feminine. Well the times sure are a changing’- but for sister’s mostly. Black women can now be seen sporting’ tattoos on their breasts, thighs, arms, and even their necks. What kind of woman gets a tattoo on her neck?
I am sure this is all for attention sake and that is the sad part. How sad is it that as women so many of us feels the only way we can get attention is to have outrageous markings all over our bodies and in areas we shouldn’t be showing off in the first place. Sad to say, but sisters are slowly losing the feminine battle. Between the tattoos, outrageous hair, loud dispositions and 10 inch nails, we seem less like women and more like cartoon characters.
Seriously, for all the talk about how hard it is for black women to find a good black man because black men are locked up, uneducated or unemployed, no one really talks about how many black women are this fucking stupid. And not only are these chicks stupid, but the chicks they hang out with are equally stupid because they willingly hang out and around morons. You can’t even blame this on “being Ghetto”. Just plain retarded. The ‘5 Star Chick’ tattoo doesn’t even look like its a real tattoo. It’s like she had it done by her best friend with a Sharpie. Just pathetic.
Black women have undoubtedly forgotten their role in the broken African American family. Seeing things like this, it’s no wonder they (and the women like them) cannot find a man who is willing to take them seriously – I DO NOT take them seriously. Yes, there are plenty of irresponsible men. But any day of the week, you can watch an episode of Maury and see an instance in which a young woman cheated on a GOOD man, for no reason other than her own self-destructive behavior and the fact that she’s a slut. The state of the Black family/relationship will not get any better with all this damn finger-pointing, specifically finger -pointing directed ONLY to black men.
Let’s be real people. These women are NOT the women complaining that they can’t find good man or any man for that matter. These type of “women” are NOT seeking educated, employed, or non-incarcerated men. These women are looking for the exact opposite. B/C really, what remotely educated, somewhat upward-mobile man who has not been to jail wants one of these women for anything other than a good time. I’m not saying that these women do not have a good heart, cannot hold a decent conversation, or are even bad mothers (b/c I’m sure a good amount have at least one child), I’m just saying that a decent man doesn’t want THAT to be wifey. These women have no problem getting their man because they are bold enough to brand and presenting themselves in provocative, unclassy ways for the purpose of pulling dudes….ANY DUDE. Their attention seeking is as subtle as a tall, bright McDonald’s sign that you can see from 10 miles away in that on an unlit highway in the middle of nowhere.