Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering”

A Tribute to Black Men
Hidden treasures you were, deep in the mother land... until wrestled from her arms by the treacherous white man Forced onto slave ships like just so much chattel, to be sold into bondage though as brave warriors you did battle
Out gunned and out numbered you were reluctantly subdued...
and my souls creams at all the horror which thus ensued
Many were lost on that ill-fated ship of human plunder age and humiliation...
as onward against your will you were brought to a strange and cruel nation
A nation which boasted and claimed itself supreme, superior to all others at any cost it would seem Ensnared and enslaved, many tortures you endured...
never losing faith that this situation our Lord would soon cure
Generation after generation you watched in helpless agony...
as those you loved were beaten and raped, and cried out to be free
You saw your women taken to the white man’s bed, then saw upon her face afterward degradation and dread... but she never said a word of her unfortunate plight...
knowing that if she did, to the death you would fight
You watched as her belly grew heavy with the white man’s child...
and though you said nothing it was driving you wild
Your life was endangered when `massa`s wife set her eye upon your strong ebony back, and longed for you to give her what the `massa did lack...
for though` she desired you with wanton white lust, her promise of your safety you never could trust...So damned if you would and damned if you wouldn’t, you gave her what she craved but you still felt you shouldn’t
Then there were times when you saw your brothers and sister’s beaten with many hot stripes, for trying to run for freedom, and from your eyes silent tears you did wipe
You were hung from tall trees and hastily lynched, if you dared make eye contact with any white wench... Many the times your pain you tried to hide, but all these things stripped and tore at your pride You often rebelled and said "I’ve had enough, I ain’t taken` no mo`a da white man’s stuff"... so you struck out with all you had in you, fighting and dying with your dignity still in you...leaving others to mourn your valiant retaliation, and that we ever were kidnapped into this cruel nation
Your children were sold on the auction block...sold to the highest bidder as merely livestock Yes my regal black Princes and Kings, I know you have suffered all of these things! But God has delivered you round by round, out from the darkness where light can be found... You’ve marched and protested and demonstrated that Princes and Kings cannot be emasculated you’ve struggled hard and long since the emancipation, trying to gain ground in this so-called free nation...
Up-hill you’ve climbed, and for every victory you’ve won...I’d love to write your names across the blazing sun! I would that I could paint the sky with your faces, and show my love for you above all other races... If I could teach every single bird what words to sing, they’d sing of you, my regal black Princes and Kings!
If I could but train each blade of grass to grow in formation, they’d spell out the names of every black man in the nation! I’m a sister who knows, and one who understands...that success comes twice as hard for the worthy black man...
So if I could have my way you’d all wear robes and crowns befitting Princes and Kings...and upon every royal finger I’d place diamond rings Now although you still are last place in this nation, I’m here to tell you that’s not a bad station... even though it makes my tender heart bleed. For there’s a scripture that gives me great comfort as it reads..."But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first"