Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")
Be Aware that there are a lot of members of the African American community Dying of AIDS or living with HIV. Respect yourself, protect yourself. Know where you stand, take the Test. Spread love, Not death.
My people, Nubians in America it is time we stop burying the truth? It is time we discuss homosexuality and bisexuality in our community. It is time we educate our youth; it’s of the utmost importance they know the truth. Why must they wait, and continue to wait, until it’s too late? Enough of this nativity about AIDS and HIV. It is #1 in our community, potentially infecting you or me. The truth is HIV is preventable. Latex condoms come a dime a dozen. You must use them consistently; PROTECTED sex can and should be hot. Ultimately you are responsible for you. Correct condom use also prevents unwanted pregnancies and transmission of Stud’s, some more commonly known as gonorrhea. Know your status, get tested, prevent it, and DON`T neglects your brothers and sisters with this. Through their journey love them and get educated know the truth; control your fate, SAVE OUR YOUTH! I’m promoting condom use. I’m outraged with child abuse. I want you to educate our YOUTH.
I am trying to break the shackles of our mind. Bisexuality among Black women is very real just take a real good look on Black planet, and around you. I am not against bisexuality; love is love no matters were it comes from. The greatest love is love of self. More black women than you think harbor bisexual feelings, dreams and fantasies. Many keep them at that level. Others express them through close emotional but non-sexual friendships. Still other women rejoice in their bisexuality, whether out publicly or privately, in social or political settings, in their relationships or just through sex. Some women discover their bisexuality at an early age while others find it emerges over time as one becomes aware of and open to life’s possibilities. Some women, as do some men, try to ignore or suppress their feelings and deny who they really are. They may choose to call themselves straight or lesbian to fit the expectations of others or their own need to belong. One should strive to be true to one’s self first through accepting one’s feelings and accepting others. This can lead to more open, honest, caring and fulfilling relationships and an inner peace and happiness.
Bisexual: Indicating bisexuality with the gender symbols can get both fun and complicated. While male-male and female-female symbols are instantly recognizable, bisexual configurations can be confusing to some. Basically, it starts with whatever sex the bisexual person is and puts a male symbol on one side and a female on the other, a combination of the straight and gay symbols.
More women try bisexuality:
More women -- particularly those in their late teens and 20s are
Experimenting with bisexuality or at least feel more comfortable
Reporting same-sexencounters, according to a new report from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The survey, released by the CDC`s National Center for Health Statistics, found that 11.5 percent of women ages 18 to 44 Said they’ve had at least one sexual experience with another women In their lifetimes, compared with about 4 percent of women ages 18 To 59 who said the same in a comparable survey a decade earlier.
For women in their late teens and 20s, the percentage rose to 14
Percent in the more recent survey. About 6 percent of men in their
Teens and 20s said they’d had at least one same-sex encounter.
While those who conducted the survey took measures to protect
Respondents` privacy, researchers say it’s unclear whether the
Figure for men was lower because they’re more likely to avoid
Same-sex experiences or because they’re not reporting them.
Most people generally have few partners the findings on bisexuality and other aspects of Americans` sexual habits were taken from the National Survey of Family Growth, which included 12,571 in-person interviews, done from March 2002 to March 2003.
Overall, researchers said the report shows that most people have relatively few partners and are at a low risk for sexually transmitted diseases. `Instead of just anecdotes and stories that raise people’s anxieties, I think it’s best to have real numbers, ` said William Mosher, the statistician who oversaw the report. `And now we have those.` In other findings, the survey said that about 10 percent of females ages 15 to 19 and 12 percent of males had experienced heterosexual Oral sex but not vaginal intercourse.
Names We Should All Remember:
Mention the name of James Byrd and people immediately know your are referring to hate crimes. Unfortunately, not so with the names of sexual minorities of African descent who were the victims of similar brutal crimes. Although often victimized because of their race and sexual orientation, they did not receive the media spotlight.
Steen Keith Fenrich, Teenager was killed by his white step father who dismembered the teenager, burned the skin off his head with acid and scrawled racist and antigay epithets on the bleached skull.
Milan, Amanda (Damon Lee Dyer) Transgender, designer. Milan was attacked and stabbed in the neck in front of the Port Authority bus terminal in New York where she was later found by police. Marches following Milan’s death have helped to unify New York’s transgender community.
Tyra Hunter (Tyrone Hunter) Transgender, hairstylist. Hunter was a resident of Washington DC left to die following an automobile accident in 1995. Upon discovering that Hunter was anatomically male, the EMS squad member stopped treating her and laughed out loud. Hunter was pronounced dead at DC General Hospital.
Arthur Warren. “J.R.” West Virginia man who died after being beaten and run over by a car so that it appeared he was the victim of a hit-and-run accident, because he was gay. Three white teen-agers confessed to the crime.