“If a toad jumps around in the daytime, it is either chasing something or something is chasing it.” African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
In the immortal words of Ossie Davis in "Do The Right Thing," "Those who know won`t tell; and those who tell don`t know."
Ossie Davis 1917-2005 Rest in peace Great Nubian King.
Ten years ago, some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda; and in an era of high-speed communication and round-the-clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. In only three months, almost 1 million people were brutally murdered. In 1994, while the U.S. news media obsessed over the O.J. Simpson murder trial, the Hutu army in Rwanda was busy committing genocide against one million of its fellow citizens, the Tutsis.
What, exactly, is the difference between Hutus and Tutsis? The Hutus have the darker skin and wider noses, while the Tutsis have the lighter skin and narrower noses. You can thank the Belgians (Whites) for that artificial distinction, which led directly to the 1994 Tutsi holocaust (and I use that word deliberately).
The Belgians and King Léopold killed five to 15 million Congolese (Africans) (the indigenous inhabitants of the Congo River basin).
King Léopold II of Belgium (1835-1909)
Willie Lynch in Africa.
HOTEL RWANDA is based on the true story of Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle), the Hutu house manager of a four-star hotel who took in 1,628 Tutsi refugees at great personal risk. I hope this film affords Mr. Rusesabagina the respect that SCHINDLER`S LIST gave the late Oskar Schindler, but I wouldn`t count on it.
The two ethnic groups are actually very similar - they speak the same language, inhabit the same areas and follow the same traditions. But when the Belgian colonists arrived in 1916, they saw the two groups as distinct entities, and even produced identity cards classifying peopleaccording to their ethnicity. The Belgians considered the Tutsis as superior to the Hutus. Not surprisingly, the Tutsis welcomed this idea, and for the next 20 years they enjoyed better jobs and educational opportunities than their neighbors. Resentment among the Hutus gradually built up, culminating in a series of riots in 1959. More than 20,000 Tutsis were killed, and many more fled to the neighboring countries of Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. When Belgium relinquished power and granted Rwanda independence in 1962, the Hutus took their place. Over subsequent decades, the Tutsis were portrayed as the scapegoats for every crisis.
President Clinton the so called frist Black President did nothing to help.
The most truthful point in the movie to me came when Colonel Oliver: explaining Paul Rusesabagina why the world will not intervene. Colonel Oliver: the Western world doesn’t care, you’re dirt, you’re Black. You`re not even ni@@gers...you’re worst, you’re Africans.
We swoon at 170,000 people killed by a Tsunami, where`s our support for a movie where 1,000,000 people died not by uncontrollable natural disaster but by avoidable genocide? This movie should be playing in every theater in the country. People don`t want to watch what hurts their conscience. It has major stars like Nick Nolte, Don Cheatle, and Joaquin Phoenix, so no one can claim it`s got a weak cast. It touches the sensitive subject Europeans (and white America) interfering where they do not belong, and segregating people based upon physical features and political views. Then abandoning these cultures to heal the animosity and breach alone. It happened in 1994 and it will happen again, and again. Yet again it happens in Darfur.
Chicago native was the leading figure in the Student Nonviolent coordinating committee. The catalyst that turned SNCC into a fighting, militant organization.
James Forman 1928-2005
Master Sergeant Vernon Waters (A Soldier story): You know the damage one ignorant Negro can do? We were in France in the first war; we`d won decorations. But the white boys had told all them French gals that we had tails. Then they found this ignorant colored soldier; paid him to tie a tail to his Butt and run around half-naked, making monkey sounds. Put him on the big round table in the Cafe Napoleon, put a reed in his hand, crown on his head, blanket on his shoulders, and made him eat *bananas* in front of all them Franchisee. Oh, how the white boys danced that night... passed out leaflets with thatboy`s picture on it. Called him Moonshine, King of the Monkeys. And when we slit his throat, you know that fool asked us what he had done wrong?
Niggas Can Still Be Bought.
Armstrong Williams, a prominent conservative commentator who was a protégé of Senator Storm Thurmond and Justice Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court, acknowledged that he was paid $240,000 by the Department of Education to promote its initiatives on his syndicated television program and to other African-Americans in the news media.
Chronic Candy! Will it ever end?
Snoop Dogg and reality-TV star Paris Hilton are endorsing a new weed-flavored candy that is stirring up controversy and generating criticism among New York City politicians. Presently found in 43 stores across the Big Apple, Chronic Candy, hemp-rooted lollipops and gumdrops promises that "Every lick is like taking a hit." It`s quickly becoming top choice for local costumes with the munchies, while drawing criticism from politicians who feel the candy promotes drug use to the youth.
Pimp Creflo Dollar, and Pimp Fred Price.
Word-faith preachers whose main focuses is the prosperity teaching.
I thought I`d place those two pimps. pictures up in order to keep within proper context. You know who these guys`s are. They are the one`s that does not speak unless they are speaking about getting some money. They believe that Christians are not living faithfully unless they are getting a lot of money.
I decided to write about something that we could all relate to-MONEY. In my opinion, Christians fall into three camps. One camp believes money is evil and that the poor are more righteous than the rich are. The second camp believes that God is a genie and all you have to do is wish (pray) for riches and he will grant them. The third crowd takes a more balanced approach and views money as a tool that can be used to promote the kingdom of God. Now that I have defined the 3 camps, I would like to examine them more closely. I have come across Christians who believe that they are holy because they are poor or in debt. They see this as a badge of honor. They think they are closer to God because Jesus was poor. I think this line of thought is nonsense. The bible does say that the poor will be with us always; but it does not say that being poor helps one`s standing in the kingdom of heaven. I would like to call the second camp the "Creflo Dollar, and Fred Price. s crowd." These are the Christians who run around praying for God to bless themand anoint them with riches. Some pray the prayer of Jabez like it is some kind of formula for riches. This is utter foolishness. The bible says, God does not promise us material wealth. He promises us salvation. He tells us to store our treasures up in heaven. We should not worry about chasing riches here on earth. The third camp takes a more balanced approach. They view money as a means to an end. They see themselves as stewards of what God has given them. They use what they have been given to bless themselves and others. God is not against people being wealthy. Abraham was wealthy, so were David and Solomon.