"The horse that arrives early gets good drinking water." African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")
"No one can see beyond a choice they cannot understand. Everything that has a beginning has an end." The Oracle
"Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don't believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Man or Woman looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him or her. At that moment, man or woman finds character. And that is what keeps him or her out of the abyss" Sawaad Amen Ra
"The more whites love you, the more you must reassure your own community that you are still one of them. And the more you do that, the more you jeopardize your white support." Barack Obama
Rev. Al Sharpton strongly urged the nearly 10,000 people who filled Hampton University's Convocation Center not to select a candidate next year just because they want to see an African-American or a woman or a Hispanic in the White House for the first time.
Sharpton added that "just because you're our color doesn't make you our kind." He pointed to President Bush's secretaries of State, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell, as examples of African-Americans he said haven't necessarily worked in the interest of the African-American community.
"...people may forget what u said, they may even forget what u did, but they never forget how u made them feel." Maya Angelou
"Arise Blackman"
Lift up your heads, And you will lift up, ever-living ` Black people. The King of glory shall come in. Arise Blackman Arise and know thyself. We`ve been sitting` in the dirt too long and it seems we don`t know when we`re right or wrong. Arise Blackman Arise and know thyself. For the moon shall turn into blood and the rivers turn into flood and the sun will never shine. Arise Blackman Arise and know thyself. Remember we`ve been down here as slaves and to get a little job you have to trim and shave.Your heaven becomes your grave. For the time of rights is now and you don`t have to ask me how.You`ve got to make a move. Blackman Arise and know thyself. Every man on earth is a man and every tub have to stand on its own bottom. No matter where you`re from. Blackman Arise and know thyself.
A Cry From A Black Man!
Every-time I wake up I pray for that day When Blacks can feel proud And our past washed away But I can't see a future When we keep our eyes shut And we continue to live In the dark and in the smut We're the only Race on earth That takes pride in a word That made slaves out of men And stands for hate when it's heard. But we hear it everyday And it starts with an "N" Like drugs in our veins Its use has no end. I can never understand Why we embrace it with love A word born out of Hell We should not be proud of. You will never hear others Insult them selves like we do As we watch them succeed While we're flush down the tube We've been treated worse than dogs And a lot is our fault For we pass to our young All the crap we've been taught.
We will always be slaves If we continue to use That word we've been called And we seem to abuse How can we earn respect In a world like today When we keep ourselves down And never change in our ways It's time to turn things around And break this chain that we bear And stop living as fools And put our butts into gear We must instill in our young They're the key to our change Make education the rule Let success be their range And only then we will earn The respect we demand And stop living a word That ties up our hand.
So I say to my Brothers And Sisters you too Let's show pride in ourselves For we're Gods children
HOMAGE TO THE NUBIAN FEMALE: Sister, please! May I have a word with you?
My dearest Black woman who struggles to understand the Black man it is not your intent to deny us of any knowledge, love or power, yet to shower us with Love and to stand with us when times are hard. Will you let us be your Comfort Zone again? The things you ask or think are not for Judgment but encouragement. The Creator created man from woman. Projection is not what you desire. Respect, Love and Understanding is required. You can give use the world on a Silver Platter, but if we cannot stimulate your mind and Massage you are Soul. The black woman first has to overstand that you are the crime of the universe...the original goddess of the planet. You Black woman have a gene called a "mondochondra" this is a gene that prolongs labor pains it keeps you alive after you give birth. So we brother need to realize what you really are to us.
My African Violet!
She`s a sweet chocolate brown A true ebony delight With a rich cocoa flavor My dark Queen of the night. From the land of the BlacksWhere Cleopatra once ruled She`s my treasure of Kemet She`s the Nile`s black jewel. She has features of love With her dark satin skin She`s my African violet That moves me within She has breathtaking looks Which I truly adore And a natural dark beauty From her head to the floor She takes over my mind With her sweet chocolate ways I fall under her spell Mesmerized in a daze. She`s my soul mate of love For she nurtures my heart And I will always be hers Till death due us part.
For Black men only!
Where are you my Brothers? In this essence in time it seems we're extinct and blind our women, our children, our mothers, fathers and brothers can't find us have we dis-appeared? Have we allowed America to smear our image with mis-conceptions and lies created out of fear? Look at us brethren Our situation is beyond critical Instead of unified Kings and noble men we're starving, spiritless, material lusting individuals We are no longer the images of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers We're even condemned by them Living in a world of constant battles and sin sending our own selves to our ends No longer friends, just bodies braving the wild of the world Losing our souls as time unfurls It's sad that I no longer feel kin to my brethren I feel alien amongst crowds of loud-talking', fast walking', women cursing' studs who have drug the image of us in the mud We no longer have respect for our Nubian Queens It is an understatement to say that we treat them cruel and mean Our behavior amongst them is extreme We no longer exist with them as a team We Brothers call our precious women everything but who and what they truly are which has left our Queens spirits colored with bruises and scars We treat them so foul one outside of our race would doubt that their ours to serenade with Beautiful names and respect Instead we'd rather treat them with neglect My Brothers where art though As our little men and women experience this world without guidance and protection We've left it to the media, sports stars and rap and R&B songs to give them their life's lessons We are unrecognized in their eyes lies unseen tears for years our children have sung the blues while we've shown up here and there with an outfit to give them along with a pair of shoes We must wake up We're losing our women and children to this cold world and vultures Lacking knowledge of self and a history of their divine past and culture Let us rise again men and except the positions of providers and protectors Let the world drink from our nurturing nectar.