“What you cannot see during the day, you will not see at night.” African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
What is an Insurgent or Freedom fighter?
Function: noun
1: a person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an established government; especially: one not recognized as a belligerent
2: one that acts contrary to the established leadership (as of a political party, union, or corporation) or its decisions.
Freedom fighter:
n: a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions) [syn: insurgent, insurrectionist, rebel]
The great Geronimo, Sitting Bull, and Crazy Horse were Insurgents or Freedom fighters? Freedom fighters
John Brown was a non-African person. Brown’s goal of liberation for the slaves was sincere and that his actions were based on just principles. John Brown truly embodied the spirit of freedom loving African people around the world. John Brown 1800–1859 was a Freedom fighter.
The Real Insurgents.
Hail Caesar, (President Bush) we (United States Military Troops) who has die, and are about to die salutes you. Ever since the abolition of Slavery, all nations scarred by the greatsore, has revolutionized the ideological errors of their forefather, creating a civilization where all human beings of whatever color, race or creed, should be born with the equal privileges of the Fundamental Humans Rights as established by The League of nations with respect to all human beings. But if human beings are what they are supposed to be, then this cannot be seen in Bush. And if the beast was discovered in Adolph Hitler and Mussolini, then evidently, this can be seen in President George W. Bush the Mosquito.
In the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryus, there was an age undreamed of... and unto this, George W. Bush, destined to wear the jeweled crown of America upon a troubled brow. It is I, Sawaad Amen Ra his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga... Let me tell you of the days of high adventure! George W. Bush’s military and the monetary will get together whenever they think it’s necessary. They are turning our brothers and sisters into mercenaries. They will turn the planet into a cemetery.
February so called Black History Month.
Western (white) Civilization is founded on a Black African Civilization
you may recall being taught in the public fool system that Western (white) civilization is founded upon ancient Greek civilization, which seem to suddenly appear. What European historians are trying to hide or deny is that the Greek civilization was primarily the offspring of the advanced Black African civilization of ancient Egypt, which preceded it by thousands of years. Even Greek legends relate that Egyptian & Phoenician conquerors ruled all or parts of Greece until the 14th or 15th century.
Through The Door of No Return.
Gorée Island, Senegal, the ends point on a journey of self-discovery for thousands of descendants of African slaves.
Sister, please! May I have a word with you?
The black woman first has to overstand that you are the crème of the universe...the original goddess of the planet. You Black woman have a gene called a "Mondochondra" this is a gene that prolongs labor pains it keeps you alive after you give birth. So we brother need to realize what you really are to us. For you Nubian Woman the true river of life.
“My dearest Black woman who Struggles to understand the Black man it is not your intent to deny us of any knowledge, love or power, yet to shower us with Love and to stand with us when times are hard. Will you let us be your Comfort Zone again? The things you ask or think are not for Judgement but encouragement. The Creator created man from woman. Projection is not what you desire. Respect, Love and Understanding are required. You can give use the world on a Silver Platter, but if we cannot stimulate your mind and Massage you’re Soul." Sawaad Amen Ra
My Nubian Queen.
I have longed to share my complete self with My Nubian Queen, the one who shall hunt if necessary to feed me, the one who will barter to provide my desires, the one who will share her heart, mind, body, and bed with me.
I have chosen you, my Queen to be the one I share my heart, mind, body and bed with and I too will barter for grain to feed you and prepare with love the meals I place before you, I will weave the finest cloth to make clothing for you, and hand stitch unique intricate designs to show the love and respect I have for my Nubian Queen.
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