Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
Crumbs Off The' Table!
Hello, my beautiful brothers and sisters in the cause.......another year has come and gone and it is time, once again, to drink egg nog and ring in a new year. Like smoke from a cigarette, the year has faded slowly into the lower recesses of our minds to be catalogued--whether good or bad--with the rest of our memories.
We have laughed, cried, gave birth, buried our dead, and ran the whole gauntlet of life experiences and human emotions. And when all said and done.....the only constant in our lives has been the omniscient reign of The Creator. All praise to HIM.......
'Cause in all actuality, HE is the only thing that really matters. Our salvation as a people is not locked up to begging this system for rights that were given to us by the Creator at birth, no. It is HIS grace that will set us--steady rolling--into the a new era of prosperity. This system KNOWS what it has done to you and what it has in STORE for you. So, when you run to your councilman or mayor complaining about your rights--they know the DEAL. By playing along, they get to feed their "habit": POWER.
Dig this ...if a sheep wanders, aimlessly, into a lion's den....just WHO will be the next item on the dinner menu? Common sense. Believe me, the sheep is not going to sit there and lobby for it's survival. And the lion wouldn't listen any way.
So it is with this system. You're asking the same mechanism that HOLDS you fast in place, to untie you and let you run free like a gazelle. No, no, that won't happen. You'll ice-skate in hell, first.
Year after year, you keep hoping that someone in D.C. will see the light and set you free from the impoverished and oppressive conditions that you exist under. NOPE, won't do it. Because it was the "pimps" and "players" in D.C. that threw you to the wolves in the FIRST PLACE. And it is them that keep you there. My brothers and sisters....our salvation is DIVINE and must start from WITHIN. Only by standing up and reaching deep into your souls will you be free, indeed. Only by working together for a positive--and common--good will we succeed on our highest level. Can you feel me?
By trusting our GOOD instincts and GOD--not some shriveled up old men in power suits and ties acting like the gods on MOUNT OLYMPUS--will WE start to climb that "rough side of the mountain?" It's within your reach because it all starts in the mind. Asking a bunch of power-mad and out-of-control politicians for justice is like "looking for love in all the wrong places."
You'll see a hog strut down Pennsylvania Ave. in high heels and a "mini-skirt dress" before they stop trying to neutralize us. So, in this new year let's keep our minds on steady progression. Let's not worry about some "High Father" in a plantation chair, sitting in a WHITE house, okay? That's a symbol of slavery and abject failure. And keeps "false" hope alive. Because when you need shelter in the time of a storm, when you're on your bed of affliction, and when you need a crust of bread to calm the hunger pangs in your is only through HIM and your own actions that will get the remedy that you need.
As long as this world spins, like a gyroscope, and the "LORD of the worlds" is in "effect".....hey, your future is at hand. GRAB HOLD OF IT.......
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