“A monkey will never leave behind its black hand(someone with bad habbit cannot hide them.no matter where they go)” African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
What in the blue hell is going on?
"The Chitlins (Shit) done hit the fan."
Are white Utah couples `buying` black children? Local news stations in Utah are reporting that a family paid $30,000 in fees to the adoption agency, to adopt a black girl from Chicago.
Given the great divide between blacks and whites, a black mother who takes her child to Utah to be adopted by a white couple must be in a terrible state of mind. Impoverished black people definitely don’t trust well-to-do white people. In fact, most poor black people believe they wouldn’t be in such sorry shape if it weren’t for racist white people. So it is hard to grasp why black women are flying to Utah to give white people their children. Left behind are stunned fathers and grandmothers who are struggling to understand how a black person could do such a thing.
The black community is not a third-world country where people are living so close to the edge that they cannot be expected to take care of themselves or their children. I don’t see poor white women dragging their children to black families to raise. Why should it be normal for poor black women to hand their children to white families?
I am also troubled that some white couples may be adopting black babies because they have given up waiting for a white one. Certainly that seems to be the case in Canada where hundreds of African-American children have been adopted by Canadian couples. Critics of the Canadian adoption system claim the system is racist because the babies are priced according to their skin, and a black baby goes for about a third the cost of a white baby. Private adoption agencies in Utah give black mothers about $1,300 in cash for their so-called expenses and pay for their plane ticket and hotel accommodations.
What I wanted to say: This is not how black families operate. Because there are a large number of female-headed households in the black community, a grandmother is the rock. Most of these women are raising their second set of children, and they are closer to getting it right. Most often, these grandmothers find themselves being the backbone of a fragile skeleton. In Illinois, about 103,717 grandparents are responsible for raising their grandchildren, and 41 percent of these grandparents are black. Yes, most of these grandparents are also women, and because they have achieved a level of wisdom you can only grow into, many of the boys who could have ended up in gangs grew into successful men, and many wild, single mothers went on to complete their education and to build meaningful careers.
The black community needs a sounding board as well. Because if our leaders allow black babies to so easily be put on this auction block, what could be next?
Utah’s history with blacks.
Like all other races, black people are responsible for raising the children they bring into the world, and it is sickening that these black mothers think white mothers can do a better job raising black children.
After all, Utah has never been seen as a state that welcomes blacks. Many of us remember that like most denominations, the Mormons taught that blacks were inferior to whites. But unlike many other denominations, the Mormons were slow to change. In fact, the religious denomination didn’t lift its ban against African Americans in the priesthood until 1978. Given the history of the state’s most dominant residents, I can’t understand how any black woman would be comfortable leaving her child in Utah. The only explanation is these women just don’t know any better.
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