“A monkey will never leave behind its black hand(someone with bad habbit cannot hide them.no matter where they go)” African Proverb
Shem Hotep ("I go in peace").
"It is easy to tell right from wrong, but the hard part is choosing the wrong that is right." Sawaad Amen Ra
If you live in Chicago, I bet you didn’t know this, did you?
Patricia L. Hill, An 17 year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, former president of the African American Police League. Stated that "Irish Americans in Chicago represent 3 percent of the population but hold more than 80 percent of police and firefighter positions. 4,000 firefighter in Chicago, only 400 are black."
Why Black Men Kill Each Other and Commit Suicide.
The black male in America pictured as "an endangered species" and repeatedly painted in the media as criminal dealing drugs, raping women, and killing each other has added suicide to a behavior pattern that was previously both perplexing and disturbing. The reasons for the rise in suicide among young black males, according to parents, psychologists, sociologists and others vary. Of those interviewed some point to deteriorating components in the American society where the clash between ideologies is leaving these members of a formerly enslaved population unable to cope. Others describe a "feeling of hopelessness, of being trapped." And some simply baffled. The Center for Disease Control reports that black males ages 15-24 are killing themselves at a faster rate than any other age group. The report disclosed that compared to 8 percent for white males in the same age group from 1980 to 2003 suicides for black males climbed to 63 percent. More black men in the United States are behind bars than are in higher education, according to a new study by a Washington DC think tank.
Following a booming prison construction and an increasing the numbers of people being incarcerated for non-violent crimes, there were 791,600 black men in American prisons and county jails in 2003, and only 603,032 enrolled in colleges and universities, according to the Justice Policy Institute, which favors alternatives to imprisonment.
"If your white great-great grandfather killed my great-great grandfather, And your white great grandfather sold my great-grandfather, And your grandfather raped my grandmother, And your father stole, cheated, lied and robbed my father, What kind of fool would I have to be to say "Come my friend" to the White daughter and son. Souljah was not born to make white people feel comfortable I am African first, I am Black first I want what’s good for me and my people first And if my survival means your total destruction, then so be it You built this wicked system They say two wrongs don’t make a right But it damn sure makes things even."
Sister Souljah
Shahrazad Ali is the author of How to tell If your man is gay or bisexual, Are You Still a Slave? The Black Man`s Guide to Understanding the Black Woman; The Black Woman`s Guide to Understanding the Black Man; and How not to eat pork, or, Life without the pig.
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